One of the key pieces of this exhibiton and finalist in the 2023 Brisbane Rotary Prize is "The End"
This work is set against a dramatically Simplistic ultra white background. The bee recently collecting, is still covered in yellow orbs pollen.
She has expired suddenly, perhaps having blundered into a flower which was coated in pesticides, or a noxious introduced weed plant which proved toxic to this native fauna. The deeper representation of this evocative work is that without pollinators, life as we know it faces a grave future. While the subject is macabre, the artists hyperrealistic style captures the still beauty of the insect , and showcases Rek’s ability to recreate remarkably fine details with his signature deep and mystical eyes in this multifaceted artwork.
The End
91cm (W) x 91cm (H) x 5cm (D)